Council and committees
The City of Belmont Council Meetings are held on Tuesday evenings, from February to December. Meetings and forums are held as follows:
All meetings are moved forward by one week in December and in other months if required.
Use our Fact Sheet to download information about the decision making process.
Read the Fact Sheet on the Decision Making Process
Attend a public meeting
Council meetings are held in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre, 215 Wright Street. Members of the public are welcome to attend the meetings in person.
Agenda Briefing Forum
Agenda Briefing Forums are normally held on the third Tuesday of every month. This forum is not a meeting where decisions are made. It instead offers an opportunity for Councillors to ask questions and seek clarification on the items to be considered at the Ordinary Council Meeting.
How to submit a submission or deputation
Submissions and deputations are to be provided to the City either through
completing the online form or in writing on the
Public Submission and Deputation Form. The hard-copy form is to be electronically submitted to the City via email at
The Programme for the Agenda Briefing Forum is published from 4:00pm on the Friday before the meeting. The minutes (known as the Matrix) are published from 4:00pm on the Friday following the meeting.
Find agendas and minutes for Agenda Briefing Forums
Ordinary Council Meeting
Ordinary Council Meetings are normally held on the fourth Tuesday of every month and are open to the public.
This is Council’s formal decision-making forum. Councillors may discuss and debate items and make recommendations on the matters included on the agenda.
If you have a question about an item on the agenda, something happening in your street, or a question related to a concern or something which could benefit the community, you might like to raise it in public question time at the meeting.
How to submit a question
The public are invited to submit public questions either through
completing the online form or in writing on the
Public Question Time Form. The hard-copy form is to be electronically submitted to the City via email at or you can bring the form with you to the meeting.
The Agenda for the Ordinary Council Meeting is published from 4:00pm on the Friday of the week before the meeting (or the same Friday as the Programme for the Agenda Briefing Forum is published). Minutes are published from 4:00pm on the Friday of the week following the meeting.
Find agendas and minutes for Ordinary Council Meetings
The City has two Standing Committees which meet as needed throughout the year. These meetings are not open to members of the public to attend and the agendas are not published on the website.
You can read the minutes of Committee meetings. These are published from 4:00pm on the Friday immediately following the meeting.
Standing Committee (Audit and Risk)
This Committee is responsible for helping Council meet its obligations including the obligations related to reporting financial information, applying accounting policies, and managing the financial affairs of the City in accordance with the provisions of the
Local Government Act 1995 and associated regulations.
Terms of Reference
Executive Committee
This Committee reports to Council with appropriate advice and recommendations to help Council make informed decisions related to the legislative functions and duties of the local government that have not been delegated to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
Terms of Reference
Information Forum
Councillors attend an Information Forum chaired by the Chief Executive Officer on every available Tuesday. This forum is not a decision-making meeting and is not open for members of the public to attend. Notes taken at the meeting are used for guidance by the administration and not made available to the public.
The purpose of this forum is to:
- Provide an opportunity for the Chief Executive Officer to inform Councillors of significant and strategic matters or projects being progressed by the City;
- Allow Councillors to identify matters for future consideration by Council.
To enable a free flow of communication, the Standing Orders will not generally be applied, but the City of Belmont Code of Conduct instead guides the conduct of the forum. Matters discussed at this forum may involve legal or confidential matters, where Section 5.93 of the
Local Government Act 1995 will apply.
Annual Electors' Meeting
The purpose of the meeting is to accept the City’s Annual Report for the previous financial year and give City of Belmont electors the opportunity to raise any matter as General Business.
The agenda for the Annual Electors’ Meeting is published from 4:00pm on the Friday of the week before the meeting. Minutes are published from 4:00pm on the Friday of the week following the meeting.
A report is prepared to confirm the minutes of the Annual Electors’ Meeting and the outcomes. This report is considered at the Ordinary Council Meeting in March.
The public are invited to submit a Notice of Motion for consideration at the Annual Electors' Meeting. The
Notice of Motion Form is to be submitted to by no later than noon on the business day before the Annual Electors' Meeting.
Special Meeting of Electors
Special Meetings of Electors can be called at any time, but need to be requested by 300 electors or 1/3 of the Councillors in accordance with section 5.28 of the
Local Government Act 1995. Please complete the
Request for a Special Meeting of Electors Form and email to if you would like to request a Special Meeting of Electors.