Front fence
Your front fence could include a wall, screen or similar abutting a street boundary, or is located in the front setback area.
Depending on the location, height and type of fence, you may need development approval or a building permit before you can construct a front fencing in the City of Belmont.
When is development approval needed?
You need to apply for development approval (also known as planning approval) if your proposed front fence, when measured from the natural ground level will be:
- More than 1800mm high;
- Not visually permeable above 1200mm in height;
- Higher than 750mm in height and within a 1500mm by 1500mm visual truncation area right next to your driveway or your neighbour’s driveway: see diagram on attached fact sheet;
- Located on a lot in a Special Development Precinct.
The term
visually permeable relates to how much can be seen through your proposed fence. Under the Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) of WA,
visually permeable is defined as in reference to a wall, gate, door or fence that the vertical surface has:
- Continuous vertical or horizontal gaps of 50mm or greater width occupying not less than one third of the total surface area;
- Continuous vertical or horizontal gaps less than 50mm in width; occupying at least one half of the total surface area in aggregate;
- A surface offering equal or lesser obstruction to view;
- As viewed directly from the street.
How to apply for development approval
To apply for development approval, you will need to:
What is the development approval process?
How do I know what has been approved for my property?
You can lodge your application:
- Online using the City’s Planning and Building Online Application portal;
- In person at the City of Belmont, 215 Wright Street, Cloverdale;
- By mail to City of Belmont, Locked Bag 379, Cloverdale WA 6985.
Visit the Planning and Building Online Application portal
When is a building permit required?
A building permit is required for all front fences except where:
- It is a masonry fence and does not exceed 750mm in height measured from natural ground level, or
- It is a non-masonary fence that does not exceed 1800mm in height measured from natural ground level, and
- Does not form part of the barrier serving to secure a swimming pool or spa, and
- Is constructed from Approved Materials as specified in the City's Consilidated Local Law 2020.
Please note, if you need to apply for both a building permit (uncertified or certified) and development approval, you will need to be granted development approval first.
Although you may not need a building permit in some cases, your proposed fence will still have to comply with the visual truncation requirements if it is to be located near a driveway or the property or the adjoining land owners. You may also need development approval, for example if your property is located in one of the City’s Special Development Precincts.
How to apply for a building permit
To apply for a building permit, you will need to:
- Complete and submit a Form BA1 Application for a Building Permit – Certified* or Form BA2 Application for a Building Permit – Uncertified;
- Submit a Form BA3 Certificate of Design Compliance from a WA registered building surveying contractor, if you are applying for a certified building permit (Form BA1);
- Provide supporting documentation, including:
- A copy of a receipt of payment from the Construction Training Fund from the Construction Training Industry Fund levy, if the estimated value of the works exceeds $20,000;
- A copy of your site plan (minimum scale 1:200) showing the location of the lot and lot dimensions, location of all existing structures on the lot, proposed location of your fence, existing and proposed ground levels and existing/proposed driveway and crossover and the dimensions of the fence, including location and size of brick piers;
- A copy of elevations and a sectional view of your fence, including footing dimensions and reinforcement sizes;
- Structural engineers certification if you are proposing a masonry fence.
- Pay the application fee for an uncertified application and Building Services Levy.
Due to the impacts of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) if you are making an application for a Building Permit - Certified during the 2020-2021 financial year, the City is waiving this application fee, but the Building Services Levy is still applicable.
Please note, where your front fence is proposed to sit near existing street trees, it is highly recommended that you discuss the footing design with a qualified practising Structural Engineer to avoid the impact of the tree root system.
You can lodge your application:
- Online using the City’s Planning and Building Online Application portal;
- In person at the City of Belmont, 215 Wright Street, Cloverdale;
- By mail to City of Belmont, Locked Bag 379, Cloverdale WA 6985.
Visit the Planning and Building Online Application portal
Useful links
To learn more about the Local Laws and regulations which apply to front fences, you might like to explore these links.
For more information, please email or phone the City’s Building Services team on 9477 7425.