Local Heritage Survey and Heritage List
Heritage is an important cultural asset which can relate to landmarks, private homes, government or institutional buildings, infrastructure, parks and landscapes or land use patterns. Heritage places help us understand our shared history and contribute to the character and identity of an area.
At their
June Meeting, Council adopted the City’s new Local Heritage Survey and Heritage List. These documents replace the previous 2016 Heritage Inventory, offering a more modern and user-friendly format.
Local Heritage Survey
The Local Heritage Survey acts as a comprehensive record of places that hold cultural heritage value to the City of Belmont. The Survey serves as recognition of its heritage value, but it doesn't impose any limitations.
A Local Heritage Survey is prepared and maintained in accordance with the
Heritage Act 2018 and the Heritage Council’s Guidelines for Local Heritage Surveys (July 2019).
Link to
Local Heritage Survey and Heritage List.
Heritage List
The Heritage List contains places which have the highest cultural heritage significance and have been assigned a management Category 1 or 2. Inclusion on the Heritage List means that prior to any development occurring on these properties, a development application is required to be submitted to the City for assessment. In assessing the application, the City will have regard to the heritage values of the property.
The Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 requires the City to establish and maintain a heritage list.
Link to
Heritage List.
Frequently Asked Questions
Heritage List
Being included on the Heritage List doesn't automatically prohibit property demolition or development. However, if you happen to own a property listed, and you wish to make changes to it, you'll need to submit a development application to the City for evaluation. During this process, the City will carefully consider the property's heritage values alongside broader planning requirements. This ensures that any modifications or developments respect our heritage while accommodating necessary changes.
Local Heritage Survey
The Local Heritage Survey serves as recognition of a place's heritage value, but it doesn't impose any development limitations.
A section of Rivervale (map below) is within an area that has historical importance as one first areas developed for public housing by the Government. Please note this historical value applies to the broader area bound by Newey Street, Orrong Road, Roberts Road, and Acton Avenue, and does not apply to a specific property.
Therefore individual properties do not hold any historical significance and there are no development implications.