The Springs Structure Plan and Development Contribution Plan
The Springs, also known as Development Area 11, is a redevelopment precinct situated at the western gateway to the City of Belmont, approximately 4km east of the Perth CBD. It is approximately 12.5ha of land bound by the Graham Farmer Freeway, Great Eastern Highway, Brighton Road and the Swan River.
Here is a summary of planning related to this precinct:
- In the early 1990s – The Springs was identified as an area requiring coordinated planning to address land fragmentation and underutilisation;
- 1993 – The City of Belmont commenced planning work which involved the preparation of a Guided Development Scheme;
- 2003 – A lack of landowner support resulted in the Minister for Planning rejecting the Scheme in 2003; the Minister instructed what was then knowns as the Department of Planning and Infrastructure to investigate planning for the precinct; WA’s land development agency, Landcorp, assumed the role of project manager and began the preparation of a planning framework, including a Structure Plan;
- 2009 – The Springs Structure Plan was adopted by Council at its 24 November 2009 meeting and endorsed by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 18 December 2009;
- 2010 – Landcorp began significant investment in infrastructure upgrades, including upgrading roads, sewer and water mains, installing new drainage infrastructure and landscaping areas of public open space.
An outline of the planning framework is provided below.
The Springs Structure Plan identifies the future zoning, reservation and density of land and built-form controls. The Springs Structure Plan can be downloaded from the links below.
A Development Contribution Plan (DCP) has been established over the precinct. This Plan requires landowners to make a financial contribution towards infrastructure when undertaking any subdivision or development within the area, with the funds collected used to reimburse Landcorp.
The DCP report and cost apportionment schedule is available to download from the link below.
The Springs Design Guidelines include detailed design requirements for development within the precinct. The Design Guidelines encourage innovative and imaginative design, so buildings fit the style of their respective street spaces and make a positive contribution to the overall appearance of the area.
The current Design Guidelines were adopted by Council at its meeting on 24 July 2012.
The Springs Design Guidelines (Local Planning Policy No. 7) can be downloaded from the below link.
The Springs Local Structure Plan revealed the need for a Detailed Area Plan, which is now referred to as a Local Development Plan. This plan was prepared for the ‘Riverdales Road North Precinct’, encompassing several lots directly along the Swan River foreshore reserve.
On 28 November 2012, the Western Australian Planning Commission adopted a Detailed Area Plan for this precinct. A copy of this Plan can be downloaded from the links below.