Belmont Business Advisory Group
The City’s Belmont Business Advisory Group (BBAG) brings together the business community of the City of Belmont. BBAG is a volunteer committee of local business champions to discuss matters of importance to the business community.
- The BBAG make recommendations and provide feedback on Economic Development in Belmont, participate in the development of the City’s Economic Development Strategy, and be involved in its implementation and monitoring
- The BBAG supports the attraction of public and private investment and businesses to our City
- The committee assists the retention, growth, and prosperity of our local businesses
- The BBAG also helps to connect the City’s businesses, Council, and staff members.
New members welcome
If you are interested in joining the group, please:
Share your business challenges
If you own a property or run a business in the City of Belmont, the BBAG is interested in learning about the issues, trends and matters which can impact your business.
To find out more, please email or phone the Economic Development Team on 9477 7132.