Where can you find grants?
City of Belmont Support
The City offers a range of funding opportunities to community groups, not-for-profit organisations, businesses and individuals to support projects, events, endeavours, organisational growth and capacity building.
Check out our
Grants, Donations and Support and
Community Led Initiatives for more insight into the types of support the City provides.
Free Grant Finder
To find other funding sources, search GrantGuru’s comprehensive database to find available grants and support. This is a free service.
Please note that GrantGuru is a third-party platform. We encourage users to read Grant Guru’s privacy policy and terms of use before signing up with GrantGuru to use the GrantGuru service. The City of Belmont has no oversight of, nor does it control or manage any user personal information provided to and used by GrantGuru. The City of Belmont is not and cannot be held responsible for any use of user personal information by GrantGuru. The City of Belmont has no liability to a user for any harm or loss incurred by a user through their use of GrantGuru’s service.
Other Grant Websites
You can also search directly on these government websites: