Educational activities and resources
The library offers a range of educational activities and resources to help teach and inspire our future generations.
Organisational membership
If you are looking for early literacy resources or picture books for educators at your centre, you could apply for an organisational membership. You will find a huge variety of children’s books, eResources, activity packs, puppets and other activities available for free with your library membership.
Read Out Loud Awards
Each year the Ruth Faulkner Library hosts the Read Out Loud Awards (ROLA) in partnership with local primary schools in a fun, carnival atmosphere.
ROLA aims to help children gain confidence in speaking to a larger audience and encourage children to see reading aloud as an enjoyable and rewarding activity. The awards also help to promote the library as a valuable source for selecting read aloud favourites and to encourage parents to read aloud to children daily.
To find out how your school can get involved, please email or phone the library on 9477 7150.
Reader reward programs
Our online reader reward programs are designed to support and encourage children to read for fun, a key indicator of literacy attainment. We encourage schools to use these resources and welcome opportunities to collaborate on programs for use as part of your day-to-day teaching or homework.
For more information on these programs and ways to use them in your classroom, please email or phone the library on 9477 7150.
Children’s Book Week
Children’s Book Week is a vibrant celebration of the best Australian children's books, authors and illustrators. Each year, the library coordinates a program of author and illustrator talks and workshops opportunities for local primary and high school students.
To find out more or book your session, please email or phone the library on 9477 7150.
Belmont Museum activity sheets
Our downloadable activitiy sheets focus on significant people, places and objects in the City's history. They are designed to provide children 5 to 9 years of age with some historical context to contemporary places they are already familar with.
Download the Tomato Lake activity sheet
Download the Courtland Family activity sheet
Download the Belmont Crest activity sheet