2023 Art Awards
2023 Art Awards Exhibition held at The Glasshouse.
2023 City of Belmont Art Awards
The 2023 City of Belmont Art Awards were held from 1 September to 16 September in The Glasshouse.
Over 430 entries were received for the Awards, with 299 pieces of original and unique artwork selected, including a diverse array of drawings, paintings, photography, textiles, sculptures and ceramics.
More than 1,500 people attended the Art Awards across the public events and two week exhibition period, with 60 of the participating artworks purchased.
Art Awards Catalogue
The Art Awards Catalogue features additional information on the 2023 Art Awards and listings for all works on display at the Exhibition.
View the 2023 Art Awards Catalogue
Artist Statements
Over 290 individual artists exhibited their work at the 2023 Art Awards Exhibition. We invite you to read more about their work, stories and inspiration in their Artist Statements:
View the Art Awards Artist Statements
Youth Award winner, Emma Xu, with her family during the Art Awards Presentation.
Art Award Winners
Judges: Theo Constantino, Dr Laetitia Wilson
Selection Panelists: Lilly Blue (AGWA Learning and Creativity Research Manager), Billie Bushby (DADAA Gallery Curator Coordinator), Sharyn Egan (Artist)
The Art Award winners were revealed at the Opening Night and Awards Presentation.
View the Awards Presentation Photo Album
Tom Goates, ‘Destabilise’
Medium: Digital painting printed on archival paper
Judges comments:
This work speaks to the contemporary era and the immersive quality of digital worlds and gaming as a source of escape and entrapment. It conveys feelings of emptiness, isolation, and unreality but brings it back to the real world through details such as the domestic light, with an uncanny atmosphere.
Prize: Artwork welcomed into the City of Belmont Civic Art Collection with a $10,000 prize
Joseph Heather , 'SUBHUMAN'
Medium: Digital painting
Judges comments:
A photorealistic painting with strong subject matter conveying a sensitive atmosphere of vulnerability and intimacy.
Prize: $500 cash prize
Charlotte Robinson, 'Arianna'
Medium: Acrylic on board.
Judges comments:
This winning work featured confident colour and brush work, with a strong and moody character study.
Prize: $500 cash prize
Emma Xu, 'My NgaBu (My Grandma)'
Medium: Acrylic and marker pen on paper
Judges comments:
An affectionate, light, fun and playful character study, using a combination of styles that expresses the feeling of connection even in absence.
Prize: $500 cash prize
Ian Macrae, 'The Orchestra of the Opera by Degas - with Dogs'
Medium: Oil and acrylic on canvas
Prize: $250 Jacksons Drawing Supplies Gift Pack courtesy of
Jacksons Drawing Supplies
Victoria Edwards, 'Kicking On'
Medium: Acrylic, oil and wax medium on board
Prize: $250 Jacksons Drawing Supplies Voucher courtesy of
Jacksons Drawing Supplies
Sonali Fernando
2023 Art Awards Mentorship Program sees a established professional artist paired with a mentee selected from the self-nominated entrants.
This year's mentor, West Australian artist
Jo Darbyshire, selected Sonali Fernando as recipient of the mentorship, with her oil paint on board artwork 'Under the Mango Tree'
Mecah White, 'Peak Hour Storm'
Medium: Oil on canvas
Prize: $500 cash prize
Dr. Laetitia Wilson
Dr. Laetitia Wilson is currently Curator and Gallery Manager at the Holmes à Court Gallery in West Perth and at Vasse Felix. Previously she has worked as curatorial consultant and freelance writer and curator; as art critic for the West Australian Newspaper (2013-17) and as; lecturer in Contemporary and Media Art at the University of Western Australia (2007-2017).
Theo Constantino
Theo Costantino is a queer non-binary artist based on Whadjuk Noongar Boodja / Perth, and Executive Director of ART ON THE MOVE. Their practice includes drawing, sculpture, video, photography, written works and performance. They have exhibited and undertaken residency projects within Australia, Europe, the UK and USA both in a solo capacity and collaboratively. Broadly, Theo’s work investigates the representation and memorialisation of the past: the use and abuse of history, the continuing influence of the past on the present, and the ways in which repressed or forgotten material can resurface in daily experience.
Theo holds a PhD from Curtin University and degrees in Fine Art and Literary Studies. Their work is held in collections including the Art Gallery of South Australia, Art Gallery of Western Australia, The Cruthers Collection, Murdoch University and John Curtin Gallery.
Below: 2023 Judges Dr. Laetitia Wilson (left) and Theo Costantino (right) with the Overall Award Winner 'Destabilise' by Tom Goates.
Public Programs
Education Series
The Art Awards featured a diverse range of public events to help the community engage with the creation and enjoyment of arts and culture.
In the lead up and during the application entry period, the City engaged
Artsource to deliver an Education Program Series featuring informative sessions and workshops.
The workshops were designed to provide professional development opportunities for emerging artits, expand their skillsets, and help them prepare competitive applications for the Art Awards. Workshops included:
- How to write an Artist Statement with Mikaela Castledine
- Marketing and Pricing for Artists with Dr Layli Rahsha
- How to Document your Artwork with Robert Frith
- Social Media for Artists with Bo Wong
Exhibition Events
Art Awards Collector's Night was held on the first night of the public exhibition, and saw over 300 art-lovers come together to celebrate and explore the impressiv works. It was a vibrant, entertainment filled evening that provided a special opportunity for the community add a new work of art, memory, or inspirational experience to their personal collection.
View the Art Awards Collector's Night Photo Album
DADAA delivered two Access Tours of the Exhibition designed to provide access for people with disability. The tour guides provided verbal descriptions of the artworks, with visitors able to touch selected artworks.
During the 2023 Exhibition, local Artist
Jotterbook Flowers delivered two workshops on the crafting of native flowers with paper.
The Angelic Living Statue by Kinetic Theatre gracing the exhibition during the Collector's Night
For more information about the City of Belmont Art Awards, please contact the City's Arts and Place Team via email at
artsandplace@belmont.wa.gov.au or phone 9477 7248.
The 2023 City of Belmont Art Awards are brought to you by City of Belmont and sponsored by
The Event Mill, and our Education Series partner