Tuesday, 07 January 2025

Annual Electors' Meeting

The City's Annual Electors' Meeting will be held on Monday 3 February 2025 from 6:30pm to review the 2023-24 Annual Report and address matters proposed by residents and ratepayers.

The meeting is an annual opportunity to ask questions, make statements and propose motions, and hear about the 2023-24 Annual Report.

Your voice can help set priorities, improve services, and ensure your community thrives. This meeting is about you and your vision for the City of Belmont.

A motion is a formal proposal made during a meeting that suggests an idea or action for discussion, debate, and potentially a decision. A motion might suggest a new project, policy, or improvement related to the responsibilities of local government.

A motion is presented by a registered elector or property owner for others at the meeting to consider. Once proposed, the motion can be discussed and then voted on by those attending the meeting. If passed, the motion is referred to the Council for consideration.

Send motions in advance to belmont@belmont.wa.gov.au, or hand them in at the Civic Centre to ensure they’re recorded accurately.

Download the Annual Electors' Meeting Notice of Motion Form online or request one in person.

Visit our website to view the 2023-24 Annual Report or contact the City.