Friday, 11 February 2022

Changes to Council Meeting Procedures

From February 2022, the City’s Council Meetings including Agenda Briefing Forums, Ordinary Council Meetings and, if required, Special Council Meetings, will be held electronically via Microsoft Teams. This decision has been made based on recent State Government directives related to the ongoing COVID-19 State of Emergency declarations.
To hold these meetings electronically, changes have been made to processes for making submissions, deputations, and public questions.

Agenda Briefing Forum

Submissions and deputations are to be provided to the City in writing on the Public Submission and Deputation Form – COVID-19.  The form is to be submitted before 12 noon on the business day prior to the Agenda Briefing Forum via email to  
At the time of the Agenda Briefing Forum, individuals approved to give a submission or deputation will be invited into a Microsoft Teams Meeting to present at the relevant item. Details of the Teams meeting will be communicated to these individuals prior to the Meeting’s commencement.
There will be no attendance in person.

Ordinary Council Meeting

The public are invited to submit public questions in writing on the Public Question Time Form – COVID-19.  The form is to be submitted electronically before 12 noon on the business day prior to the Ordinary Council Meeting via email to  
There will be no attendance in person or electronically at the Ordinary Council Meetings.
The minutes and audio recording of the Ordinary Council Meeting will be available on the City's website as soon as practicable after the meeting to meet the requirements of Regulation 14E(e)(b)(i) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996.
Please see Council and Committees for further information.