Save energy
Here are some simple ways you can help to reduce your carbon footprint and save energy at your home or business.
Learn more about your energy use
The more you learn about the way you use energy, the more energy-efficient you can be.
You could start by measuring the electricity used and running costs of your household appliances, including appliances in standby mode. To do this, you can use a device known as a Power-Mate, which can be plugged in between your power point and appliance, much like a double adapter.
Power-Mates are now available for loan from Ruth Faulkner Library – please speak to the staff there for more details. If you have a current library membership, you could borrow a Power-Mate for up to one week.
Get incentives to save energy at home or work
If you’re a resident or running a business in the City of Belmont, you can take advantage of discounts and special offers on energy and water-efficient products as part of the Rewards for Residents & Businesses Program.
For more information on these offers and tips on how you can save energy, visit the
Switch your thinking website.
Take advantage of technology
A typical household uses 15 units (kilowatt hours) of electricity per day, but an energy-efficient household can use as few as 4 units. Most of the energy used in homes is usually related to water heating (around 31% of total use) and heating and cooling (around 26%).
A simple way to save energy is to learn more about
energy-efficient appliances and try to buy these whenever it is time to replace or upgrade your old appliances.
Plan for a more sustainable home
If you have plans to build or renovate, you can make the most of natural lighting, heating and cooling in the layout and structure of your home. This is known as solar passive design.
You can incorporate energy-efficient devices and systems such as solar hot water heating into your home plans.
Synergy offers a range of tips and tools to help you save energy at home.
Explore your solar power options
Solar power allows you to use the sun’s energy to power your home or business, which means you can draw less power from the electricity grid. To learn more about solar PV systems, you could:
Consider more sustainable transport
The City employs a Travel Smart Officer to encourage sustainable transport alternatives such as public transport, cycling and walking. For further information visit the
Getting around page.
If you’re interested in learning more about the impact of cars on the environment, and the benefits of electric vehicles, visit the
Green Vehicle Guide.