Our contact details
Would you like to contact the City? See below for important numbers and location details.
To report something visit our
report an issue page.
Civic Centre
Phone: (08) 9477 7222
Address: 215 Wright Street, Cloverdale Western Australia 6105
Postal address: Locked Bag 379, Cloverdale Western Australia 6985
Parking: Download the parking guide
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 4:45pm
Cashier: Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm
Customer service phones: Monday to Friday, 8:30am - 4:45pm
Email: belmont@belmont.wa.gov.au
After business hours: (08) 9477 7224
National Relay Service: Access support numbers
Veolia: 9350 7182
Waste management facility: Canning Waste Transfer Station, 81 Ranford Road Canning Vale,
1300 422 664.
Ruth Faulkner Library and Belmont Museum
Address: Belmont Hub, 213 Wright Street, Cloverdale Western Australia 6105
Phone: (08) 9477 7150
Email: libraryandmuseum@belmont.wa.gov.au
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9am - 7pm, Saturday 10am - 3pm, Sunday 1pm - 4pm.
Rangers and crime prevention
Ranger services: (08) 9477 7224
Community Watch security patrols: 1300 655 011
Crimestoppers: 1800 333 000
Media enquiries
Coordinator Media and Communications
Phone: (08) 9477 7458
Mobile: 0419 997 241
Belmont Youth Services - The Base @ Belmont
Address: 275 Abernethy Road, Cloverdale Western Australia 6105
Phone: (08) 9479 5794
Operations Centre
Address: 180 Planet Street, Carlisle Western Australia 6101
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 6am - 4pm
Phone: (08) 9477 7111