Redcliffe Train Station Parking Permits
With the new Redcliffe Train Station planned to open on 9 October 2022, the City of Belmont has created a parking management plan to manage an anticipated increase in parking in local areas.
In the coming weeks line marking will be undertaken to show no stopping areas and some signs installed.
There will be parking restrictions in place in the local area and residents can apply online for an e-permit for one vehicle to allow you or visitors to park in your street.
Click here to apply for your ePermit.
Click here to download the Redcliffe Parking Control Maps.
If you have any questions regarding the new restrictions or the online permit, please contact 9477 7224.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are parking restrictions coming to my street?
With the opening of the Redcliffe Train Station we expect some commuters might try to park on nearby side streets. The parking restrictions are to avoid parking congestion in your local area. Residents who need to park on the street can apply for an e-permit online that allows them to park in marked areas.
I never park on the street, do I still need an ePermits?
No you don’t. The epermits are for a local resident who may need to park on the street near their property. You do not need an epermit to park on your own property.
Can I apply for extra permits?
At this stage epermits will be limited to one vehicle per property
I have guests coming for an event – can I apply for epermits for them?
Parking restrictions in signposted areas are in place Monday to Friday with the timeframe listed on the sign. If you have an event during the restricted time, please direct your guests to park on your property where possible.
There is a yellow line directly in front of my house, does this apply to me?
Yes, single yellow lines are in place to ensure cars aren’t parked on both sides of the street which can result in congestion. An e-permit allows you to park in areas signposted for resident parking.
I’m having trouble with the online epermit system – who can I contact?
For questions regarding the online epermits, contact the City Rangers on 9477 7224
Commuters are still parking in my street, despite the restrictions, what can I do?
If you are concerned about parking congestion in your street, please contact City Rangers on 9477 7224
How will the City Ranger know I can park my car in the street?
City Rangers have a mobile app that recognises epermit registered vehicle registration numbers
What if I buy a new car?
Go online and submit an application to change your details