Public registers
In accordance with the
Local Governm​ent Act 1995 and/or Council policy
, the City of Belmont has a list of Public Registers.
Gifts Register
Councillors and the Chief Executive Officer must use the Gifts Register to disclose:
- Gifts valued over $300;
- Two or more gifts with a total value over $300 (if received from the same donor in a 12-month period).
The change to the information and form of the Gifts Register is due to changes to the
Local Government Act 1995 which came into effect 20 October 2019. You may like to view:
The Notifiable Gifts Register contains all notifiable gifts, including hospitality, that City employees have received, whether they accepted or not.
Functions and Events
Elected Members Functions and Events Attendance Register​ contains details of functions and events attended by Councillors in accordance with the events policy.
Elected Members Function and Events Attendance Register (2016 to 2019)
Training Registers
The City keeps records of training and professional development for Councillors. These are listed in:
Other Registers
Elected Members Contact Details and Memberships Register
Elected Members Disclosure of Interest Register
Elected Members Meeting Attendance Register
Electoral Gift Register
Register of Complaints - Minor Breaches
Register of Primary and Annual Returns
Elected Member Fees Allowances and Expenses