Our Waste Data

City of Belmont waste data
The City of Belmont is committed to helping create a more sustainable future and encourages all residents, businesses and visitors to
reduce, reuse, recycle and recover to minimise waste.
The City’s waste collection processes include bulk bins, disposal days and regular kerbside bin collections. This waste is then recycled, recovered or diverted to landfill. In the tables below, you can find the latest figures on how the City’s waste is being managed. This data is updated every three months.
Waste generation and resource recovery 2024/2025
Waste services data 2024/2025
Bulk waste recovery 2024/2025
Kerbside recycling recovery 2024/2025
Previous data
Waste Data 2020-2021
Waste Data 2021-2022
Waste Data 2022-2023
Waste Data 2023-2024
Find out more
The City has set targets for waste management, in line with the WA Government’s Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030.
Waste Plan
Read the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030