Project background and milestones
Here is a summary of milestones in Development Area 6 (DA6):
- DA6 was identified as a redevelopment area in 2003 but strategic planning for the precinct was delayed until the State Government could formalise plans to implement the Perth Airport Rail Project.
- In the lead up to the 2013 State Government Election, both major political parties committed to building the Perth Airport Rail Project.
- In 2013, the City of Belmont partnered with Perth Airport to prepare a ‘Vision Plan and Implementation Strategy’ for DA6. This outlined a vision for the future redevelopment of the area and the planning processes required to achieve the vision.
- In 2013 the City commenced community engagement plans for the area. This consultation process continued into 2015. The City invited community engagement on plans for the area, including community visioning workshops, information forums, open days and formal advertising with letters being sent to landowners and key stakeholders.
- The DA6 Vision Plan and Implementation Strategy was initially adopted by Council in December 2013, although changes were later needed in response to the State’s 2014 announcement.
- In August 2014 the State Government at the time announced the construction of the ‘Forrestfield Airport Link’. This link would extend from the existing Midland rail line to Forrestfield through a tunnel under the Swan River and Perth Airport, with three new train stations at Redcliffe, Airport Central (adjacent to Perth Airport’s Terminals 1 and 2) and Forrestfield.
- On 26 August 2014, Council resolved to formally request that the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) support the preparation of an Improvement Plan and Improvement Scheme for DA6 due to the project’s regional significance. To date, the WAPC has not agreed to support the preparation of an Improvement Plan and Improvement Scheme.
- In August 2015, a Planning Control Area (No. 116) was declared over a portion of the DA6 precinct, including the future location of the Redcliffe Train Station.
- In line with section 112 of the Planning and Development Act 2015, any development within the Planning Control Area requires WAPC approval until such time that it expires in August 2020.
- The amended DA6 Vision Plan and Implementation Strategy was subsequently readopted by Council in February 2016 as Local Planning Policy No. 14.
- On 3 January 2017, the City appointed planning consultant Taylor Burrell Barnett to prepare the planning framework for DA6.
- On 31 August 2017, the WAPC approved the full construction of the Redcliffe Train Station and construction works began soon after that.
- On 7 October 2018, Brearley Avenue was permanently closed to traffic at Great Eastern Highway in Redcliffe.
- On 18 December 2018, the State Government announced that the Forrestfield Airport Link opening had been delayed by one year, due to open in the second half of 2021.
- On 28 May 2019, the WAPC formally declared on 28 May 2019 that the DA6 precinct requires an Activity Centre Plan to coordinate future redevelopment of the precinct, instead of a Structure Plan.
- Between July and August 2019, the WAPC advertised Amendment 1355/57 to the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) which proposed that land adjacent to Stanton Road and Tonkin Highway be reclassified from ‘Primary Regional Roads’ to ‘Urban’ under the MRS. The land was previously set aside for expansion works to Tonkin Highway and Perth Airport, but was no longer required for those purposes and was on-sold to the Department of Communities.
- On 10 December 2019, Council endorsed the first draft of the Redcliffe Station Activity Centre Plan for pre-consultation to be undertaken in early 2020.
- On 31 January 2020, amendment 1355/57 to the Metropolitan Region Scheme was gazetted.
- From 26 February 2020 to 14 April 2020, pre-consultation of the draft Redcliffe Station Activity Centre Plan took place.
- At the 23 March 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council resolved to adopt, for the purposes of undertaking public advertising, the draft Activity Centre Plan and proposed Amendment No. 15 to Local Planning Scheme No. 15.
- The Western Australian Planning Commission has not yet provided the City with consent to advertise.
- At the 26 April 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council considered a funding offer of $4.38 million from Metronet for the delivery of certain infrastructure within the Development Area 6 precinct, its implications for the precinct and the likely commitments and obligations on the City’s part.
- At this meeting, Council resolved to direct the CEO to write to the State to express the City’s concerns over the nature of the proposed funding commitment and seek additional funding to transform the Southern Main Drain into a hybrid urban stream.
- Council also resolved to request that the precinct be established as a redevelopment area under the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority Act 2011 and that Development WA take responsibility for progressing the planning framework for the precinct.
- View the Ordinary Council Meeting 26 April 2022 Minutes.
- The Minister for Planning approves an Improvement Plan for the Redcliffe Station Precinct.
- The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage are tasked with progressing an Improvement Scheme for the Development Area 6 Precinct.
For more information, please email or call the City’s Planning Services team on 9477 7428.