Profile and statistics
The City of Belmont is home to 42,078 people, and this figure is expected to grow to 65,659 by 2041.
Within the City sit some of WA’s best-known landmarks, including Perth Airport, Ascot Racecourse and some of the iconic Swan River foreshore areas.
(Figures sourced from the ABS ERP 2019)
The City of Belmont community
Within the City’s population, 22% are families with children, 6% are older people and 22% live alone. The City is home to a diverse and connected community:
- 2.5% of the population are from Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander backgrounds;
- More than 40% of people living in the City of Belmont report being born overseas;
- 63 languages are spoken within the City;
- More than 29% of residents speak a language other than English at home;
- The number of people in the City who identify as Islamic is more than three times that of the WA average and more than double the national average.
(ABS Census 2016)
Business in the City
The City of Belmont is home to practically every type of business, including multi-national and industrial-scale distribution centres, home-based businesses, a range of tourism, retail and hospitality venues.
Approximately 23% of employment opportunities in the City of Belmont are in the transport, postal and warehousing industry
(.id - the population experts, 2020). These businesses are mainly located in the Kewdale industrial area, the Belmont Business Park and along Great Eastern Highway in Rivervale. In Belmont there are approximately 55,601 employment opportunities in the City as of June 2019.
The City contributes $8.26 billion to Australia’s Gross Regional Product as of June 2019.
(Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, 2019; .id - the population experts, 2020).
Shopping in the City
Retail trade is the 2
nd largest employer in the City and local shopping centres benefit from a strong level of community support. In the City, you’ll find a range of retail outlets, from small street-front shops to showrooms and large-scale warehouse retail operations. Belmont Forum and DFO at Perth Airport are among the largest shopping centres in Perth.
Learn more about the City
Visit REMPLAN for insights into the City's community
Visit our .id profile for insights into the City's community
Visit REMPLAN for insights into the City's economy