City programs and services
The City of Belmont provides a number of services to encourage people of all abilities to get involved in community life.
Some of the City programs and services are developed in-house, while others are formed in partnership with organisations, offering a range of activities which could help members of the community, including people with disabilities, to develop new skills, find relevant information or enjoy social events.
Accessible features
Around the City, you will find a number of accessible features, including:
- Important documents available in large print or as an audio file on request;
- A hearing loop and wheelchair access in the City’s Chambers, with a lift to the first floor;
- Accessible toilets and ACROD parking bays available at the City’s parks.
Learn more about the City’s accessible facilities
Access and Mobility Map
The City’s
Access and Mobility Map is designed to make it easy to move around the City, featuring access and mobility information about popular areas within the City.
If you have any comments or suggestions which could improve this map, please email or phone the City on 9477 7219.
National Relay Service
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, or would like to phone someone with a hearing or speech impairment, you might find the National Relay Service helpful.
This is an Australia-wide telephone service with two 24-hour relay call numbers available to phone:
- Teletypewriter (TTY)/Voice Calls – 133 677
- Speak and Listen – 1300 555 727
To learn more about the services provided, visit the
National Relay Service website.
Social events and programs
The City offers a range of programs and events for the whole community, including people living with disabilities, their families, friends and carers.
Visit the City’s
Events Calendar for details, including social activities such as dancing and bowling and the annual Celebration of People Living with Disability in December.