Planning framework
The City of Belmont had prepared the following draft planning framework for the Development Area 6 Precinct:
- Local Planning Policy 14 – Development Area 6 (DA6) Vision. This policy sets out the vision for the Development Area 6 Precinct;
- An amendment to Local Planning Scheme No. 15 (LPS 15) to formalise zoning and establish statutory controls over the precinct;
- An Activity Centre Plan to coordinate the future development of the precinct through zoning, built form controls, public open space provision, road hierarchy, stormwater management and infrastructure and servicing requirements;
- A Development Contribution Plan (DCP) to provide a way for infrastructure costs to be shared among the developing landowners;
- Design Guidelines, in the form of a Local Planning Policy with specific built form requirements for the precinct.
The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage is currently making arrangements for the preparation of an Improvement Scheme for the precinct.
You can find more information about the draft planning framework and the existing Local Planning Policy No. 14 below.