Sporting donations
Sporting and cultural donations
The City of Belmont makes certain sporting and cultural donations to support members of the local community who have been successful in representing their field of excellence on behalf of Western Australia or Australia in a sporting or cultural activity.
These donations are designed to help with the costs of travel, fees and other costs including uniforms, up to:
- a maximum of $450 per person travelling interstate per year;
- a maximum of $850 per person travelling internationally per year.
The total amount available is decided each year by Council through the budget process.
How to apply for a sporting or cultural donation
To apply for a sporting or cultural donation, you need to provide proof of residency within the City of Belmont with a drivers license or current rates notice. You will also need to have evidence of a clear selection process which led you to represent the organisation at a state or national level, with a letter of selection from that state or national organisation included with your application.
Please read the
Sporting Donation Terms and Conditions and complete the
Application for Sporting Donation​.
Please note, if you are successful in receiving a donation, you
will need to complete and submit a
Sporting and Cultural Donation Acquittal Form within 4 weeks after the event.