Local Planning Strategies
A local planning strategy is required to be prepared by a local government for each local planning scheme that is approved for land within its district. A local planning strategy is intended to inform the local planning scheme, which then forms the principal statutory tool for implementing a local planning strategy.
More specifically, a local planning strategy is required to:
- Outline the long-term planning directions for the area;
- Apply state or regional planning policy that is relevant to the strategy;
- Set out how land is zoned or classified under the local planning scheme.
The City of Belmont has an overarching Local Planning Strategy and several sub-planning strategies/supporting documents which relate to specific aspects of planning in the district including housing, commercial centres (also known as activity centres), public open space and the environment.
The City of Belmont is currently reviewing its Local Planning Strategy, including the sub-strategies, to inform the review of Local Planning Scheme No. 15.
Learn more about the
review of the Local Planning Strategy and Local Planning Scheme.
Useful documents