Building plans archive search
The City of Belmont receives many requests for copies of building plans. You might need a copy of your plans to carry out extensions or alterations to your property, or perhaps you would like a copy to provide a prospective buyer, real estate agent or for a supplier to provide you with a quote.
If you are a prospective buyer or real estate agent, you can request copies of building plans if you have written authorisation from the property owner. You will need to submit a copy of this authorisation when you apply to retrieve the plans.
Please note, many building plans are archived off-site in secure storage and for some older buildings there may not be any plans available at all.
How to request building plans
If you are requesting a copy of building plans, you will need to:
Please note the fee is set by the City to cover the cost of the recovery and copying of relevant documents. The quality of plans is not guaranteed and the Archive Search Fee is not refundable if your plans are not suitable or cannot be located.
Download the Building Plan Retrieval Archive Search Request Form
View the Schedule of Fees