Access and Inclusion Advisory Group
The City of Belmont’s Access and Inclusion Advisory Group (AIAG) is made up of members of the community living with disability, representatives of disability service providers and City staff.
The AIAG members:
- Make recommendations and provide feedback on how the City’s Access and Inclusion Plan is implemented and monitored;
- Receive updates from the City on the progress of the AIP implementation process;
- Learn about and discuss new initiatives from the City which are designed to improve accessibility and inclusivity across the community.
The Access and Inclusion Advisory Group meets fours times a year from 10am to 12 noon in Meeting Room 1 at the Ruth Faulkner Library, Belmont Hub, 213 Wright Street, Cloverdale.
The AIAG meeting dates for 2023 are:
Friday, 10 March
Friday, 9 June
Friday, 8 September
Friday, 24 November.
If you are interested in joining the group, please:
Please note, the Access and Inclusion Advisory Group Terms of Reference are also available in an
Easy English Format.