Severe storms happen in Perth in both winter and summer. They can appear suddenly and cause widespread disruption with damaging winds, lightning, mini tornadoes, large hail and flash flooding.
If a storm has badly damaged your home and you can't safely fix it yourself,
SES volunteers are there to help - call
132 500.
Plan ahead
Follow these tips to be prepared all year round:
- Maintaining your home is important, so make sure you:
- Trim branches to prevent them falling on your roof or car
- Check your roof and replace any damaged or missing tiles
- Clear leaf litter from gutters seasonally or install gutter protectors
- Use surge protectors to protect your appliances and devices
- Keep a list of emergency phone numbers on your fridge and in your phone
- Prepare an emergency kit and an emergency plan, including a relocation plan in case your home becomes flooded or the roof damaged
- Know how to turn off your water, electricity and gas
- Maintain adequate home and content insurance and make sure you review your cover regularly to cover new renovations and additions such as new kitchens, sheds or new appliances
How to prepare before a storm hits
If a severe storm warning has been issued, you can take these steps to prepare before it hits:
- If it is safe to do so, store or weigh down loose objects outside your home
- Be ready to change plans, if necessary, to be near shelter
- If boating or swimming, get to land and find a sturdy, grounded shelter immediately
- Have a torch and battery-operated radio on hand in case the power goes out
- Be prepared to evacuate if flash flooding occurs or your house is damaged.
Stay safe during a storm
You may have heard the saying: “When thunder roars – go indoors.” A sturdy building is the safest place to be during a thunderstorm. You can also:
Be careful after a storm
After a severe storm, you need to continue to keep yourself safe. You should:
- Beware of fallen power lines - report them immediately on 13 13 51;
- Watch out for fallen or unstable trees and report them to the City on 1300 655 011;
- Do not walk or drive through waters of unknown depth and current;
- Be aware that after a bad storm services such as power, telephones lines, water, sewerage and gas may not work;
- Listen to authorities and weather forecasts for information on whether it is safe to go outside and instructions regarding potential flash flooding.
Volunteer to help out
If you would like to help out in the City of Belmont in the event of an emergency, you can sign up as a volunteer now with
Belmont SES.