Age-Friendly Advisory Group
The City of Belmont’s Age-Friendly Advisory Group (AFAG) gives community members, service providers, support organisations and other stakeholders the chance to be actively involved in the City’s commitment to creating an age-friendly community.
The AFAG members:
- Make recommendations and provide feedback on how the Age-Friendly Belmont Strategy 2022 - 2027 is implemented and monitored;
- Share information on activities and services planned by the City or being held in the local area.
The AFAG meets four times a year from 10am - 12 noon in Meeting Room 1 at the Ruth Faulkner Library, Belmont Hub, 213 Wright Street, Cloverdale.
The AFAG meeting dates for 2023 are:
Thursday 2 February
Thursday 4 May
Thursday 3 August
Thursday 19 October.
New members welcome
If you are interested in joining the group, please: