Development Area 3 encompasses land generally bound by Kew Street, Fisher Street and Dod Green Reserve in Cloverdale.
Find out more about Development Area 3
The Development Area 4 precinct:
- Encompasses approximately 1.4 hectares of land bound by Ryans Court, Morrison Street, Stanton Road and Tonkin Highway in Redcliffe;
- Is predominantly vacant except for three existing houses;
- Comprises a total of 14 lots.
In line with Local Planning Scheme No. 15, a Structure Plan needs to be prepared over Development Area 4 to coordinate the precinct’s future subdivision and development.
The Department of Communities is a major landowner within this precinct and has been investigating the preparation of a Structure Plan to facilitate development. The timing of this work is currently not known.
The Development Area 5 precinct:
- Encompasses approximately 1 hectare of land bound by Stanton Road, Morrison Street, Greenshields Way and Tonkin Highway in Redcliffe;
- Comprises 12 lots in multiple ownership, most of which contain existing houses.
In line with Local Planning Scheme No. 15, a Structure Plan needs to be prepared over Development Area 4 to coordinate the precinct’s future subdivision and development.
The City of Belmont is not currently preparing a Structure Plan for this precinct, so the timing of any redevelopment is unknown.
Development Area 6 (DA6) is a significant redevelopment area located in the City of Belmont. It encompasses land bound by Great Eastern Highway, Coolgardie Avenue, Redcliffe Road, Fauntleroy Avenue and Tonkin Highway, as well as Perth Airport’s Airport West Precinct. This area can be easily distinguished into two main areas:
- Perth Airport’s Airport West Precinct
- A portion of the Redcliffe neighbourhood between Perth Airport and Great Eastern Highway
Planning for the area is informed by the DA6 Vision Plan and Implementation Strategy. This planning includes a new Redcliffe Train Station through the State Government’s Forrestfield Airport Link (FAL) project.
Find out more about Development Area 6
The Development Area 7 precinct comprises Lot 602 Coolgardie Avenue, Ascot. This lot is 3.89 hectares in area and is owned by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
The precinct previously included 85-97 Coolgardie Avenue, Ascot. However, as part of Scheme Amendment No. 17, the density coding of these lots was amended to be consistent with the approved Structure Plan. These lots were then removed from the Development Area 7 precinct.
Find out more about Development Area 7
The Development Area 9 precinct:
- Encompasses approximately 2.99 hectares of land bound by Fauntleroy Avenue, Hay Road, Ivy Street and properties fronting Great Eastern Highway;
- Comprises 19 lots in multiple ownership.
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is the majority landowner with the precinct, representing 1.94 hectares of the area.
Find out more about Development Area 9
Development Area 10 encompasses the Ascot Inn located at No. 1 Epsom Avenue (Lots 1111 and 1112) and adjacent property No. 7 Thompson Street (Lots 13 and 14) in Ascot.
Find out more about Development Area 10
The Springs, also known as Development Area 11, is a redevelopment precinct situated at the western gateway to the City of Belmont, approximately 4km east of the Perth CBD. It is approximately 12.5ha of land bound by the Graham Farmer Freeway, Great Eastern Highway, Brighton Road and the Swan River.
Find out more about Development Area 11