Development Area 9 Structure Plan
The Development Area 9 precinct:
- Encompasses approximately 2.99 hectares of land bound by Fauntleroy Avenue, Hay Road, Ivy Street and properties fronting Great Eastern Highway;
- Comprises 19 lots in multiple ownership.
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is the majority landowner with the precinct, representing 1.94 hectares of the area.
A Structure Plan for Development Area 9
- Was originally approved by Council on 21 December 2010 and endorsed by the WAPC on 4 April 2013;
- At the 22 June 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council resolved to request that the WAPC amend the Development Area 9 Local Structure Plan.
- The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage approved modifications to the Development Area 9 Structure Plan on 5 January 2023.