Business and storm water
If you run a business in the City of Belmont, you have an important role in protecting the City’s groundwater and waterways.
Here are some steps you can take to help keep waterways safer for the community, and local flora and fauna:
- Make sure you, your employees and visitors do not cause or allow trade wastewater (e.g. from washing vehicles or equipment) or other waste liquids (such as paint, waste or oil) to enter the environment, either through a stormwater drain or anywhere that drains to a stormwater drain or bare ground;
- If you have liquids or other potential contaminants (e.g. contaminated mechanical parts or chemical drums) onsite, take steps to reduce the risk of contaminants flowing to stormwater drains in the event of a spill or as a result of rainfall;
- If you run a vehicle wash-down bay or other wash-down facility, this must be approved by the City.
Please note,
failing to prevent pollutants entering the waterways could also be an offence.
For more information, or to arrange a site assessment by the City’s Environmental Officer Light Industry, visit the City’s
Business Environmental Assessment Program webpage.