The following applications will be referred to the Design Review Panel:
- Proposals which include a building that is 3 storeys or greater in height (above natural ground level);
- Proposals for 6 or more multiple dwellings (apartments) at or above the R40 density;
- Proposals to be determined by the Joint Development Assessment Panel;
- Development fronting Great Eastern Highway;
- Development located within Development Area 6;
- Development located within the Golden Gateway precinct.
The Design Review Panel will also handle any other proposal referred by the Director Development and Communities or Manager Planning Services. Proposals can include preliminary assessment applications, scheme amendments, design guidelines, local planning policies, local development plans, structure plans and/or activity centre plans.
No, the Design Review Panel is a free service.
The Design Review Panel is scheduled to meet fortnightly, or on a ‘as needs’ basis depending on the applications received.
Design Review Panel meetings are not open to the public but can be attended by applicants.