Monday, 03 August 2020

MercyCare in successful delivery of City's aged care services

The City of Belmont successfully handed over the delivery of aged care services on 1 July to the not-for-profit organisation, MercyCare.

“The City’s officers worked closely with the Commonwealth Government, who chose the new provider, to establish a strong working relationship with MercyCare which has ensured our community members who use this important social service, and their families had a smooth transition,” according to City of Bemont Mayor Cr Phil Marks.

“A lease with MercyCare for the continued use of Harman Park Community Centre for adult day care has been entered into and feedback from Harman Park clients indicates a high level of satisfaction, with some able to access additional services and others pleased to see the same staff continuing,” Mayor Marks said.

“To finalise the service transition, at the 28 July Ordinary Council Meeting Councillors supported the transfer of six community vehicles to MercyCare for the nominal fee of $1.

“Vehicles have been used to support the delivery of services at the adult day care centre for more than 10 years, and until recently their maintenance and running costs had been covered by the City’s Commonwealth Government funding to deliver our aged care service.

“With the City no longer running Harman Park the maintenance funding has now ceased, so instead of taking on the maintenance expense, Council has agreed to transfer the vehicles for this nominal value, on the condition that the vehicles could be transferred back to the City for the same value if MercyCare stop delivering the service.

“With about 90 per cent of people attending Harman Park transported there in these community transport vehicles, as well as all outings dependent on access to and use of these vehicles, we believe Council’s decision to be the best outcome,” Mayor Marks said.

“It ensures our elderly residents maintain social contact with each other during these unprecedented times, and they continue to have access to these services without disruption without any financial impact on our ratepayers.”