English as a second language
If you are learning English or new to Australia, you might like to join one of our English as a second language programs at the library. You will also find a great collection of bi-lingual books for children, adult readers and International English Language Testing (IELTS) study guides.
Learning English Through Story Time
We run a series of English as a second language workshops during school terms for children aged 3 to 4 years and their parents, grandparents and guardians. You and your family could improve your English skills through songs, rhymes and interactive activities.
To book your place, email
libraryandmuseum@belmont.wa.gov.au or phone the library on 9477 7150.
Australian English
Thursdays, 1:00pm to 3:00pm (during the school terms).
The City of Belmont's free Australian English Classes are a social and informal way to improve your English. No matter your level of English, this class will help with vocabulary, pronunciation, listening skills, slang and more.
Parents are welcome to leave class early to pick children up from school.
For more information please contact the City’s Cultural Engagement Officer on
community.development@belmont.wa.gov.au or 9477 7453.
Tickets are not required for this free event.
Books and resources
At the library you will find a wide range of books and resources to help learn English or share stories in another language.
Find out more about our language support and programs